Welcome back. We hope you have all had an lovely summer. The children have settled well into Year 6 and are ready and raring for another busy year.
Our Teachers
6D is taught by Mrs Donovan
6M is taught by Mr Morgan
Teaching assistants
Mrs Donaldson and Mrs Davies.
In English this term, we are reading Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. We will use this story to support our writing this term linked to biography, description, advertisements, poetry, narratives, fact files and recounts. Spelling and grammar will also be covered every week.
In Maths this term, we will be focusing on place value and number which includes counting, ordering and comparing numbers. We will then move onto addition and subtraction using written formal methods and then multiplication. We will focus on times tables all term.
In Science, we will be learning about Electricity for the first half of the term. Then, we will move onto Animals including Humans considering our bodies and keeping healthy.
Geography, History, DT and Art
During this term, in Geography, we will be learning about volcanoes, mountains and earthquakes. In History, we will be learning about WW2 and airbases. Our DT will be linked to food (please ensure we are aware of any allergies as the children will be cooking) and our Art will be focused on drawing.
6D and 6M both have PE on Thursdays.
Reading and Homework
All homework will be sent home on a Friday and needs to be completed or handed in on the following Wednesday. All children have reading books and diaries. Please take time to read with your children at home and fill in the diary.