Year 5
We would like to welcome all the children back to St Martin’s as we start our new school year. We are so excited for the year ahead.
Mrs Adams and Mrs Holder are our teachers and we have Mrs Arnold and Miss Rogers who will be working with us. We are all very much looking forward to starting the school year and we hope that you are as well.
This term, we will be working hard recapping skills that we learnt in year 4 so that we can build and develop new skills in year 5. We are also going to be working hard to ensure we are expanding our vocabulary within our writing and will be having weekly comprehension activities which will build on the skills that the children already have in this area to allow them to gain more confidence. Our Reading for Meaning book this term is ‘Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone’ by J.K. Rowling – a real children’s favourite – which we will be integrating to our English lessons.
In Maths, we will be focusing heavily on developing and recapping our place value knowledge and developing many new skills in maths. We will be still focusing heavily on our times tables as they are a crucial tool that will help everyone greatly in their maths education throughout their childhood. We will still have access to Times Tables Rockstars - which can also be accessed at home as well!
In geography we will study a range of different biomes and where they can be found.
In our history we are going to explore ancient history as we learn all about the Ancient Greeks and how they affected our modern lives.
In Science this half term our topic is states of Matter. This is a very fun topic that offers us the chance to do lots of hands on scientific experiments and enquiries.
PE is on Mondays and Wednesdays this term. Please remember your PE kits for these days. If these days change we’ll let you know.
In Music this term we will be preparing and developing our performance skills ready for our exciting adventure to Young Voices in January 2025.
We have English and Maths homework that will be set weekly on a Friday and should be submitted back to the class teacher by the Wednesday of the following week. We will be providing copies of work on Fridays but also have copies available until the homework is due in.
For the benefit of children, we are very keen to have open and positive relations between the school and families at home. Please don’t hesitate to come in and see us if you have any questions or concerns and we will always do our best to help.
Mrs Holder and Mrs Adams.
5A Classroom