Year 3
Dear Parent/Carer,
We thought we would take this opportunity to let you know some of the great things we will be learning about in Year 3 this term.
English: At the start of the term, we will be studying biographies, explanation texts and newspaper reports linked with our history topic. Later on in the term, we will be writing narratives based around our work on Romans and our Reading for Meaning book “Kasper prince of cats”.
Maths: We will continue to focus on number including addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, and putting them into context through word and reasoning problems. We will also be looking at measures including time. There will continue to be a particular focus on learning times-tables.
Science: We will be learning all about Forces., including learning about magnets and friction. After half term, we will be exploring Plants
PE: Please ensure that children have appropriate kit for our sessions which are as follows;
3P– Monday (outside) and Thursday (inside) afternoons. 3CJ- Wednesday (outside) and Thursday (inside)
History: We will be studying the Roman Empire and its impact on Britain.
Geography: We will be learning about the counties and regions of the UK, expanding our locational knowledge.
Art and Design: We will be exploring a range of marks that can be made through printing and making our own printing blocks.
Design and Technology: We will be exploring levers and their applications, developing design skills and making a linkages and levers product. After half term, we will be investigating food and nutrition and “How food affects your body and mind”.
RE: We will be thinking about “What is it like for someone to follow God?” in Christianity and after half term, “How do festivals and worship show what matters to a Muslim?”
PSHE: Our focus is Understanding, investigating the themes Tolerance and Respect.
Computing: Computing is taught throughout the curriculum covering word processing, research, communication and presentation skills. This term there will be a particular focus on coding and using images with added texts.
Music: Within our music sessions we will be exploring how to “write down music” alongside exploring many different rhythms, beats and instruments.
If your child would like a snack at break time, please try and remember to pack them one. If you have any questions you would like to ask us, please feel free to see us after school.
Thank you,
Miss Parrett, Mrs Coyne and Mrs James
Homework for English and Math will be set on a Friday.
Spellings will also be given out to learn and available to practise on Edhshed.
We also ask that you help your children when learning their times tables each week.
TT Rockstars is great for this. Please could you also continue to support their reading too.
We will encourage the children to read at home daily. Please question the children about what they are reading.
Year 3 Team
Thank you,