Sports Premium
PE & Sports
St Martin's Primary School - Vision Our ethos at St Martin's combines physical learning, health and cognitive thinking across all key stages. We believe that PE and sport play a key role in personal development and that every child should be provided with opportunities to participate in a wide range of sporting and physical instruction.
Using our grant we support a range of activities, endeavouring to develop physical confidence and support learning that will enhance children's skills and encourage health and fitness.
We aim to improve concentration, memory, behaviour and academic performance through sport. We want to motivate all children, encourage their personal and team performance and participation, promote confidence and develop positive self-esteem.
At St Martin's Primary School pupils have the chance to compete in sports and other activities; this whole school enhancement encourages fairness, values, responsibility, and respect. Positive social skills and character building is essential for our pupils to develop.
At St Martin's the ability of our pupils to communicate and to collaborate in various sporting environments can expand their understanding of their own ability. This expansion of knowledge and experience will aid each child to measure and identify their progression in different sporting and physical activities.
The National Curriculum for PE 2014 states:
The national curriculum for physical education aims to ensure that all pupils:
- develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
- are physically active for sustained periods of time
- engage in competitive sports and activities
- lead healthy, active lives.
Sports Premium Funding 2024-2025
This year St Martin's has a grant of £19,060.
We are spending the Sport Premium Funding 2024-2025 in the following ways
- To increase the confidence, knowledge and skills of staff in teaching PE through the use of dance teachers.
- To attend more sporting events and competitions. During the 2024-25 school year, we aim to continue developing competitive sports and good sportsmanship.
- To replenish resources and to purchase new resources so that children have a broader experience of a range of sports and activities.
Action Plan:
Click on the button below to view our Sports Premium Plan.
St Martin's Primary Sports Leaders
This year we have implemented new sports leaders. These children are responsible as 'the voice' of the children. There are two sports leaders from each class. They have been working hard to help, supporting our teachers in PE lessons as well as leading games during play and lunch times with the aim of encouraging sport and exercise. The Sports leaders will have input into purchasing new equipment to support their endeavours.
Afterschool clubs
The after school clubs at St Martin's Primary School, offer a wide range of sporting and non-sporting activities. The activities provide children with opportunities to participate in physical activities and creative arts and crafts learning. Some of our clubs were enhanced with professional coaches to support and guide the children.
The Afterschool Clubs Coordinator sends out termly letters to allow children to choose clubs they are interested in attending.
Sport Clubs at St Martin's Primary School
netball, rugby, hockey, football (boys and girls), tennis, rounders, cricket, dance, multi-sports