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St Martin's Primary School

Achievement through effort

Head Teacher welcome from the CEOTracey Kneale CBE

Welcome to our school website, which I hope you will find both entertaining and informative. It will be changing over the coming half term, so look out for new pages and even more links to school based activities and events.

As you know, we have always been, and continue to be, extremely proud of our school and our children, not just in terms of standards (which I'm pleased to say continue to be high), but also in terms of students behaviour, students achievements in and outside school and students attitude to our school community.

On the website, we try to keep information and news as up top date as possible, so there is always something new to read and enjoy - including details about school projects, photographs of events, pieces of work by children and newsletters, as well as lists of policies and holiday dates.

School Aims

Our school aims to empower all our children to be the best that they can be:

  • Expressive in a variety of media
  • Optimistic about their future
  • Determined to do their best and achieve their potential
  • Resilient in an ever changing world

We aim to:

  • Provide a stimulating and caring environment to encourage all aspects of the children’s development and to enable each child to fulfil his or her potential
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